Jul 2, 2010

2010 Hungary Tour Thoughts

Just got back from Hungary - wow - amazing trip!  Saw God "show up" in so many amazing ways, for our team, and those we came to ministry to!  And isn't that the way of God, to be so efficient as to bring us to bring a blessing to others in order to bring a blessing back to us so we can bring a blessing back to those who sent us.

There are still so many stories, photos, and memories to ponder, but here are a few snapshots of what God did:

- Team Unity off the chart - God took 26 of us and made us "His Community of Mission and Light" in two days time!
- Over 20 Hungarian Children indicated that they would surrender to Jesus as Lord of their lives in the VBS at Esztergom.
- Leading Slovakian people to Christ in the City Square in Sturovo, Slovakia, during and after the open-air concert
- Worshiping in the rain in Baja, Hungary - again!  (we did that last year too!!!)
- Playing a concert at the Calvary Chapel, Budapest - again!  What an awesome church and people, and what a privilege to worship with them again!  Here is a link to view that concert which was recorded live - <http://www.golgota.tv/?p=18471>
- Doing the first ever Christian Concert event of its kind in Kalouca, Hungary, and leading people to Christ on the street and in the Café afterwards!

Stay tuned for more stories and photos!

Yours for the Kingdom,

Bill Drake
Director, OM Arts International
Operation Mobilization

"Risks are not to be evaluated in terms of the probability of success, but in terms of the value of the goal".  - Ralph D. Winter

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