Aug 22, 2013

Broken & Complete

In reviewing some of the key elements surrounding the sacred and priestly task of leading worship for some of our young budding worship leaders on OM's Ship Logos Hope earlier this year, I was pondering the dire necessity for the Christian virtue of Brokenness.
 This has been especially brought home to me as our Egyptian brothers and sisters in Christ are being martyred.

Brokenness identifies us with Christ, Who is the true worship leader, and was Broken for us as the ultimate living sacrifice.

Brokenness identifies us with a crushed world.

Brokenness identifies us with those we are trying to "lead" into worship,

Brokenness is one of those common denominators that connects us to all that is relevant in worship - God says that He will only draw near to a humble and contrite heart.  I am also pretty convinced that you can't have true authenticity without it.

Brokenness does not fit easily into a "western-impacted" theology that has mixed physical and tangible success along with a pragmatic economic to produce a prosperity-influenced apologetic which basically equates financial gain with God's blessing.

But to deny Brokenness is to deny our fallen condition. To deny Brokenness is to deny what Christ went through to make the journey through the veil possible. To deny Brokenness is to be in some kind of denial about the state or condition of those we are trying to lead, and empathy notwithstanding, makes it much more difficult to engender trust. To deny brokenness is
to deny our dependance upon God.  

Utter Dependance is the truth about our standing in reality.
Independence is a lie, and it is the enemy of the church and of the Christian.
Interdependence is the work of the Holy Spirit amongst us, that empowers and holds the broken pieces of the Mosaic called the Body of Christ together, and makes us
complete in Christ.

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